Switch Feature Overview 59
•IPv4 Data Center
For information about setting the SDM template, see "Managing General
System Settings" on page 279.
Automatic Installation of Firmware and Configuration
The Auto Install feature allows the switch to upgrade or downgrade to a
newer software image and update the configuration file automatically during
device initialization with limited administrative configuration on the device.
If a USB device is connected to the switch and contains a firmware image
and/or configuration file, the Auto Install feature installs the image or
configuration file from USB device. Otherwise, the switch can obtain the
necessary information from a DHCP server on the network.
For information about Auto Install, see "Automatically Updating the Image
and Configuration" on page 389.
sFlow is the standard for monitoring high-speed switched and routed
networks. sFlow technology is built into network equipment and gives
complete visibility into network activity, enabling effective management and
control of network resources. The Dell Networking series switches support
sFlow version 5.
For information about configuring managing sFlow settings, see "Monitoring
Switch Traffic" on page 407.
NOTE: Automatic migration of the startup configuration to the next version of
firmware from the current and previous versions of firmware is supported; the
syntax is automatically updated when it is read into the running-config. Check
the release notes to determine if any parts of the configuration cannot be
migrated. Save the running-config to maintain the updated syntax. Migration of
configuration is not assured on a firmware downgrade. When upgrading or
downgrading firmware, check your configuration to ensure that it implements the
desired configuration. Meta-configuration data (stack-port and slot
configuration) is always reset to the defaults on a downgrade on each stack unit.
As an example, Ethernet ports configured as stacking ports default back to
Ethernet mode on a downgrade.