Using Dell OpenManage Switch Administrator 131
Using the Switch Administrator Buttons and Links
Table 4-2 describes the buttons and links available from the
Switch Administrator
Table 4-2. Button and Link Descriptions
Button or Link Description
Support Opens the Dell Support page at support.dell.com
About Contains the version and build number and Dell copyright
Log Out Logs out of the application and returns to the login screen.
Save Saves the running configuration to the startup configuration.
When you click Apply, changes are saved to the running
configuration. When the system boots, it loads the startup
configuration. Any changes to the running configuration that were
not saved to the startup configuration are lost across a power cycle.
Print Opens the printer dialog box that allows you to print the current
page. Only the main panel prints.
Refresh Refreshes the screen with the current information.
Help Online help that contains information to assist in configuring and
managing the switch. The online help pages are context sensitive.
For example, if the IP Addressing page is open, the help topic for
that page displays if you click Help.
Apply Updates the running configuration on the switch with the changes.
Configuration changes take effect immediately.
Clear Resets statistic counters and log files to the default configuration.
Query Queries tables.
Left arrow and
Right arrow
Moves information between lists.
NOTE: A few pages contain a button that occurs only on that page. Page-specific
buttons are described in the sections that pertain to those pages.