Discovering Network Devices 783
console#show isdp
Hold Time................................60
Version 2 Advertisements.................Enabled
Neighbors table time since last change...00 days 00:00:00
Device ID................................none
Device ID format capability..............Serial Number, Host Name
Device ID format.........................Serial Number
console#show isdp interface te1/0/3
Interface Mode
--------------- ----------
Te1/0/3 Enabled
Configuring LLDP
This example shows how to configure LLDP settings for the switch and to
allow 10-Gigabit Ethernet port 1/0/3 to transmit all LLDP information
To configure the switch:
Configure the transmission interval, hold multiplier, and reinitialization
delay for LLDP PDUs sent from the switch.
console(config)#lldp timers interval 60 hold 5
reinit 3
Enable port 1/0/3 to transmit and receive LLDP PDUs.
console(config)#interface TengigabitEthernet1/0/3
console(config-if-Te1/0/3)#lldp transmit
console(config-if-Te1/0/3)#lldp receive
Enable port 1/0/3 to transmit management address information in the
LLDP PDUs and to send topology change notifications if a device is added
or removed from the port.
console(config-if-Te1/0/3)#lldp transmit-mgmt
console(config-if-Te1/0/3)#lldp notification
Specify the TLV information to be included in the LLDP PDUs
transmitted from port 1/0/3.
console(config-if-Te1/0/3)#lldp transmit-tlv sys-
name sys-desc sys-cap port-desc
Set the port description to be transmitted in LLDP PDUs.