Configuring Access Control Lists 607
Removing IPv6 ACLs
To delete an IPv6 ACL:
From the
IPv6 ACL Name
menu on the
IPv6 ACL Configuration
select the ACL to remove.
Select the
Viewing IPv6 ACLs
To view configured ACLs, click Show All from the IPv6 ACL Configuration
page. The IPv6 ACL Table page displays.
IPv6 ACL Rule Configuration
Use the IPv6 ACL Rule Configuration page to define rules for IPv6-based
ACLs. The access list definition includes rules that specify whether traffic
matching the criteria is forwarded normally or discarded. Additionally, you
can specify to assign traffic to a particular queue, filter on some traffic,
change VLAN tag, shut down a port, and/or redirect the traffic to a particular
port. By default, no specific value is in effect for any of the IPv6 ACL rules.
There is an implicit deny all rule at the end of an ACL list. This means that if
an ACL is applied to a packet and if none of the explicit rules match, then the
final implicit deny all rule applies and the packet is dropped.
To display the IPv6 ACL Rule Configuration page, click Switching
Network Security
Access Control Lists
IPv6 Access Control Lists
Rule Configuration in the navigation menu.