Configuring IP Multicast 679
Configuring DVMRP using the CLI Commands
For information about the CLI commands that perform this function, see the following chapter in the
CLI Reference Guide:
• DVMRP Commands
DVMRP Interface Configuration
Use the DVMRP Interface Configuration
page to configure a DVMRP interface. You must configure at
least one router interface before you configure a DVMRP interface. Otherwise you see a message telling
you that no router interfaces are available, and the configuration screen is not displayed.
To display the page, click IP Multicast > DVMRP > Interface Configuration in the tree view.
Figure 12-20. DVMRP Interface Configuration
The DVMRP Interface Configuration page contains the following fields:
— Select the interface for which data is to be configured. You must configure at least one
router interface before you configure a DVMRP interface.
Interface Mode
— Select Enable or Disable from the drop-down menu to set the administrative mode
of the selected DVMRP routing interface.
Interface Metric
— Enter the DVMRP metric for the selected interface. This value is sent in DVMRP
messages as the cost to reach this network. Valid values are from 1 to 31.