Dellâ„¢ Printer Configuration Web Tool
To configure the SNTP server settings in order to perform time synchronization through SNTP.
Va l ues :
Bonjour (mDNS)
To configure the detailed settings for Bonjour.
Va lues:
E-mail Alert
To configure settings for E-mail Alert. This page can also be displayed by clicking E-mail Alert in the left frame.
Va l ues :
SNTP IP Address / Host Name Sets the IP address or the host name of the SNTP server.
Connection Time-Out Sets the connection time-out period from 1 to 120 seconds.
Time Synchronization
Sets the interval for performing time synchronization using SNTP.
Last Connection Time Displays the last date and time when your printer was connected to
the SNTP server.
Connection Status Displays the status of the connections between the SNTP server
and your printer.
Host Name Specifies the host name up to 63 alphanumeric characters and "-" (dash). The original setting will
remain valid if nothing is entered.
Printer Name Specifies the printer name up to 63 alphanumeric characters and symbol sets.
E-mail Server Settings Primary SMTP Gateway Sets the primary SMTP gateway.
SMTP Port Number Specifies the SMTP port number. This must be between 1 and
E-mail Send Authentication Specifies the authentication method for outgoing e-mail.
SMTP Login User Specifies the SMTP login user. Up to 63 alphanumeric characters,
periods, hyphens, underscores, and at symbols (@) can be used.
SMTP Login Password Specifies the SMTP account password using up to 31 alphanumeric
Re-enter SMTP Login
Enter the SMTP account password again to confirm.
POP3 Server Address Specifies the POP3 server address in IP address format of
"aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd" or as a DNS host name using up to 63 characters.
POP3 Port Number Specifies the POP3 server port number. This must be 110 or
between 5000 and 65535.
POP User Name Specifies the POP3 account user name. Up to 63 alphanumeric
characters can be used.
POP User Password Specifies the POP3 account password using up to 31 alphanumeric
Re-enter POP User Password Enter the password again to confirm.