Dellâ„¢ Printer Configuration Web Tool
To edit the detailed settings of SNMP v3 protocol.
To enter this page, click Edit SNMP v3 Properties in the SNMP page.
Va l ues :
Community Name (Trap) Sets the community name used for trap up to 31 alphanumeric
The original setting will remain valid if no input is made.
Characters entered for Community Name (Trap) in the previous
settings will not be displayed on the screen. The default Trap
Community is " " (NULL).
Re-enter Community Name
Enters the community name used for trap again to confirm it.
Trap Notification 1-4 Trap Address Type
Trap Address
Trap Notification (IP) Port
Select the check boxes to notify trap occurrence. In this case,
specify the IP address and IP socket in the following format:
Specify the IP address and IP socket in the
nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn:mmmmm format. Each section of "nnn" is a
variable value between 0 and 255. Note that values 127 and 224-
254 are not valid for the first three-digits only. IP socket mmmmm
is a variable value between 0 and 65535.
Specify the IP address and IP socket in the
xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:mmmmm format. Each
section of "xxxx" is a hexadecimal variable value between 0 and ffff.
IP socket mmmmm is a variable value between 0 and 65535.
Authenticate Error Trap Select the check box to notify authentication error trapping.
Administrator Account Account Enabled Select the check box to enable the administrator account.
User Name Enters the user name of the administrator account.
Authentication Password
(8 - 32 Bytes)
Sets the authentication password of the administrator account
using 8 to 32 alphanumeric characters.
Confirm Authentication
Password (8 - 32 Bytes)
Confirms the set password.
Privacy Password
(8 - 32 Bytes)
Sets the privacy password of the administrator account using 8 to
32 alphanumeric characters.
Print Drivers / Remote
Client Account
Account Enabled Select the check box to enable the print drivers and remote client
Reset to default Password Click to reset the password for the print drivers and remote client
account to default.