Field Description
d= Lists the destination address of the packet and the name of
the interface (in parentheses) through which the packet is
being sent out on the network.
len Displays the packet’s length.
sending, rcvd,
fragment, sending
proto, unroutable
The last part of each line lists the status of the packet.
TCP src= Displays the source and destination ports, the sequence
number, the acknowledgement number, and the window
size of the packets in that TCP packets.
UDP src= Displays the source and destination ports for the UDP
ICMP type= Displays the ICMP type and code.
IP Fragment States that it is a fragment and displays the unique number
identifying the fragment (Ident) and the offset (in 8-byte
units) of this fragment (fragment offset) from the beginning
of the original datagram.
IP: s= (local), d= (Ma 0/0), len 54, sending
TCP src=23, dst=40869, seq=2112994894, ack=606901739,
win=8191 ACK PUSH
IP: s= (Ma 0/0), d=, len 40, rcvd
TCP src=0, dst=0, seq=0, ack=0, win=0
IP: s= (local), d= (Ma 0/0), len 226,
TCP src=23, dst=40869, seq=2112994896, ack=606901739,
win=8192 ACK PUSH
IP: s= (Ma 0/0), d=, len 78, rcvd
UDP src=0, dst=0
IP: s= (local), d= (Ma 0/0), len 1500,
sending fragment
IP Fragment, Ident = 4741, fragment offset = 0
ICMP type=0, code=0
IP: s= (local), d= (Ma 0/0), len 1500,
sending fragment
IP Fragment, Ident = 4741, fragment offset = 1480
IP: s= (local), d= (Gi 4/11), len 64,
sending broad/multicast
IP: s= (local), d= (Gi 4/11), len 28,
sending broad/multicast
IP: s=, d=, len 100, unroutable
ICMP type=8, code=0
IP: s=, d=, len 100, unroutable
ICMP type=8, code=0
To stop packets from flooding the user terminal when debugging is turned on, use
the count option.
IPv4 Routing