Internet Group Management Protocol
The IGMP commands are supported by the Dell Networking operating software on the Dell Networking
This chapter contains the following sections:
• IGMP Commands
• IGMP Snooping Commands
IGMP Commands
Dell Networking OS supports IGMPv1/v2/v3 and is compliant with RFC-3376.
Important Points to Remember
• Dell Networking OS supports protocol-independent multicast-sparse (PIM-SM) and protocol-
independent source-specific multicast (PIM-SSM) include and exclude modes.
• IGMPv2 is the default version of IGMP on interfaces. You can configure IGMPv3 on interfaces. It is
backward compatible with IGMPv2.
• The maximum number of interfaces supported 95.
• There is no hard limit on the maximum number of groups supported.
• IGMPv3 router interoperability with IGMPv2 and IGMPv1 routers on the same subnet is not supported.
• An administrative command (ip igmp version) is added to manually set the IGMP version.
• All commands previously used for IGMPv2 are compatible with IGMPv3.
clear ip igmp groups
Clear entries from the group cache table.
clear ip igmp [vrf vrf-name] groups [group-address | interface]
vrf vrf-name (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword vrf followed by the name of
the VRF to configure this setting on that VRF.
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP)