
652 | ManagementAccess DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide
Figure 267: Creating a Guest Account—Show Details Pop-up Window
Importing Multiple Guest Entries
The Guest Provisioning user can manually create individual guest entries, as previously described, or import multiple
guest entries into the database from a CSV file. This is useful and more efficient if you want to enter multiple guest
entries at once. To import multiple guest entries, you need to:
1. Create a CSV file that contains the guest entries
2. Import the CSV file into the database
Creating Multiple Guest Entries in a CSV File
Create a CSV file that contains multiple guest entries. Each field in an entry needs to be separated by a comma and
each entry needs to end with a carriage return. The order of the fields is:
l Guest’s first name (required)
l Guest’s last name (required)
l Guest’s email address (optional)
l Guest’s phone number (optional)
l Guest’s user ID (optional)
l Guest’s password (optional)
l Sponsor’s first name (optional)
l Sponsor’s last name (optional)
l Sponsor’s email address (optional)
See Figure 268 for an example of how guest entries need to be formatted in a CSV file.