Parameter Description
802.11g Beacon Rate Click this drop-down list to select the beacon rate for 802.11g (use for Distributed Antenna
System (DAS) only). Using this parameter in normal operation may cause connectivity
802.11a Beacon Rate Click this drop-down list to select the beacon rate for 802.11a (use for Distributed Antenna
System (DAS) only). Using this parameter in normal operation may cause connectivity
Advertise QBSS Load IE Click this checkbox to enable the AP to advertise the QBSS load element. The element includes
the following parameters that provide information on the traffic situation:
l Station count: The total number of stations associated to the QBSS.
l Channel utilization: The percentage of time (normalized to 255) the channel is sensed to be
busy. The access point uses either the physical or the virtual carrier sense mechanism to
sense a busy channel.
l Available admission capacity: The remaining amount of medium time (measured as number
of 32us/s) available for a station via explicit admission control.
The QAP uses these parameters to decide whether to accept an admission control request. A
wireless station uses these parameters to choose the appropriate access points.
NOTE: Ensure that WMM is enabled for legacy APs to advertise the QBSS load element. For
802.11n APs, ensure that either wmm or high throughput is enabled.
Advertise Location
When this option is enabled, APs broadcast their location within a IE carried in Beacon frames
and Probe Response frames. The AP’s latitude, longitude and altitude can be configured on the
Configuration > Wireless> AP Installation page of the controller WebUI, or using the provision-
ap command in the controller command-line interface.
Advertise AP Name If this parameter enabled, APs will broadcast the AP name configured by the ap-name com-
mand. This option is disabled by default.
Enforce User VLAN for
Open Stations
Select this option to restrict data traffic from open stations to the user's assigned VLAN. This
option is disabled by default.
In the CLI
(host)(config) #wlan ssid-profile SSIDprofile
essid Corpnet
opmode wpa2-aes
(host)(config) #wlan virtual-ap corpnet
ssid-profile SSIDprofile
(host)(config) #ap-group default
virtual-ap corpnet
Configuring an SSID for Suite-B Cryptography
Suite-B AES-128-GCM and AES-256-GCM encryption is supported by the ArubaOS hardware, and requires the
ACR license. Note, however, that not all Dell controllers support Suite-B encryption. The table below describes the
controller support for Suite-B encryption in ArubaOS.
Controller Serial Number Prefix ACR License Support
W-600 Series All serial numbers supported Yes
W-3000 Series AK Yes
W-3000 Series A No
To determine the serial number prefix for your controller, issue the CLI command show inventory and note the
prefix before the system serial number. The serial number prefix in the example below appears in bold.
(host) #show inventory
Supervisor Card slot : 0
System Serial# : AK0093676
DellPowerConnectW-SeriesArubaOS6.2 | User Guide VirtualAPs | 329