Parameter Description
primary or primaries The name of the primary virtual disk of the remote
replication pair to be tested. More than one
primary virtual disk name can be entered. Enclose
the primary virtual disk names in square brackets
([ ]). If the primary virtual disk name has special
characters, the primary virtual disk name must also
be enclosed in double quotation marks (“ ”).
Disable Storage Array Feature
This command disables a storage array feature. Run the show storageArray command to display a list
of the feature identifiers for all enabled premium features in the storage array.
disable storageArray (featurePack | feature=featureAttributeList)
The featureAttributeList can be one or more of these attribute values. If you enter more than one attribute
value, separate the values with a space.
• virtualDiskCopy
• snapshot
• asyncReplication
• remoteReplication
• mixedPhysicalDiskTypes
• goldKey
• driveSecurity
• enterpriseSecurityKeyMgr
• thinProvisioning
• storagePartition[2|4|8|16|32|64|96|128|192|256|512|Max]
The form for this attribute value is a combination of the alphabetical term merged with the numerical
value, for example, storagePartition256
• physicalDiskSlotLimit[16|24|32|48|60|64|72|96|112|10|128|136|144|180|192|256| 272|300|360|384|448|
The form for this attribute value is a combination of the alphabetical term merged with the numerical
value, for example, physicalDiskSlotLimit360
• ssdCache
• SSDSupport
• highPerformanceTier
• raid6