Parameter Description
The name of the primary virtual disk that you want
to add to the remote replication group. Enclose
the virtual disk name in double quotation marks ("
The name of the remote replication group that will
contain the member virtual disk that you want to
add. Enclose the remote replication group name in
double quotation marks (" ").
This parameter is optional. Use this parameter
when the remote storage array is password
protected. Enclose the password in double
quotation marks (" ").
The name of the repository virtual disk that will
contain the remote replication group.
You have two options for defining the name of a
repository virtual disk:
• Use an existing repository virtual disk name.
• Create a new repository virtual disk when you
run this command.
The name of an existing repository virtual disk is
comprised of two parts:
• The term repos.
• A four digit numerical identifier that you assign
to the repository virtual disk name.
Enclose the name of the existing repository virtual
disk in double quotation marks (" ").
If you want to create a new repository virtual disk
when you run this command you must enter the
name of either a disk group or a disk pool in which
you want the repository virtual disk. Optionally, you
also can define the capacity of the repository
virtual disk. If you want to define the capacity you
can use these values:
• An integer value that represents a percentage
of the base virtual disk capacity.
• A decimal fraction value that represents a
percentage of the base virtual disk capacity.
• A specific size for the repository virtual disk.
Size is defined in units of bytes, KB, MB, GB, or
If you do not use the capacity option, the MD
storage management software sets the capacity to
20 percent of the base virtual disk capacity.