Hardware Description 47
Stack ID Button
The device front panel contains a Stack ID button used to manually select the Unit ID for the
Stack Master and members.
The Stack Master and members must be selected within 15 seconds of booting the device. If the
Stack Master is not selected within 15 seconds, the device is booted in stand-alone mode. To select
a Unit ID for the device, reboot the device.
The Stack Master receives the Unit ID of 1 or 2. If both Unit 1 and Unit 2 are present, the unit that
is not elected functions as the Backup Master. Stack members receive a separate Unit ID (3-6).
For example, if there are four units in a stack, the Master unit is either 1 or 2, the backup Master is
either 1 or 2 depending on the Unit ID of the Master unit, the third member is 3, and the fourth
Stack member is 4.
NOTE: The device does not automatically detect a stand-alone unit. If a Unit ID has already been
selected, press the Stack ID button several times until no stacking LED is lit.
Reset Button
The PowerConnect 3424/P and PowerConnect 3448/P switches have a reset button, located on the
front panel, for manual reset of the device. If the Master device is reset, the entire stack is reset.
If only a member unit is reset, the remain stacking members are not reset.
The single reset circuit of the switch is activated by power-up or low-voltage conditions.
Ventilation System
The PowerConnect 3424/P and PowerConnect 3448/P switches with the PoE feature have five
built-in fans. The non-PoE PowerConnect 3424 and PowerConnect 3448 devices have two built-in
fans. Operation can be verified by observing the LED that indicates if one or more fans is faulty.