Configuring System Information 121
Figure 6-16. Add SNTP Interface
Define the relevant fields.
Apply Changes
The SNTP interface is added, and the device is updated.
Defining SNTP Interface Settings Using CLI Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for setting fields displayed in the
SNTP Interface Settings
NOTE: An IP address must be defined on the interface in order to define it as an Anycast or
Broadcast interface.
The following is an example of the CLI commands for displaying SNTP interfaces:
Table 6-23. SNTP Interface Settings CLI Commands
CLI Command Description
sntp client enable
Enables the Simple Network Time Protocol
(SNTP) client on an interface.
show sntp configuration
Shows the configuration of the Simple Network
Time Protocol (SNTP).
console# show sntp configuration
Polling interval: 7200 seconds.
MD5 Authentication keys: 8, 9
Authentication is required for synchronization.
Trusted Keys: 8,9
Unicast Clients Polling: Enabled.