dCS 904 User Manual Manual for Software Version 1.5x and 1.36
dCS Ltd June 2000
Manual part no: DOC135904 iss 2B2
Page 77
135904ma2b2.pdf file available from website
on + 44 1799 531 999 email to: more@dcsltd.co.uk
(inside the UK replace + 44 with 0) web site: www.dcsltd.co.uk
I wish ....
If you wish your unit did something it does not, or that this manual told you
something it does not, or that we made something we currently do not - tell us.
If we can fix it with software, or a manual reprint, and we do so - we will update
your unit free of charge. If we do decide to make the thing, we will discuss with
you how you would like it to operate.
We value our customers, and we want to make products that do what you want.
If You Need More Help
The please contact dCS. Our office hours are 8:00 am to about 7:00 pm,
Monday to Friday, UK time (UTC in summer, or UTC + 1hr in winter). Contact
us by phone or fax on:
Inside the UK Outside the UK
01799 531 999 +44 1799 531 999
01799 531 681 +44 1799 531 681
Table 15 – dCS Phone Numbers
You can write to us at:
dCS Ltd
Mull House
Great Chesterford Court
Great Chesterford
Saffron Walden CB10 1PF
Our E-Mail address: more@dcsltd.co.uk
Our web site is: http://www.dcsltd.co.uk
Other Information
dCS produce technical notes from time to time, on issues related to ADCs. If you
are interested in these, please do not hesitate to contact us, or check our web