dCS 904 User Manual Manual for Software Version 1.5x and 1.36
dCS Ltd June 2000
Manual part no: DOC135904 iss 2B2
Page 76
135904ma2b2.pdf file available from website
on + 44 1799 531 999 email to: more@dcsltd.co.uk
(inside the UK replace + 44 with 0) web site: www.dcsltd.co.uk
• In Quad AES mode, ensure that AES 1, 2, 3 & 4 outputs are correctly
connected to the corresponding inputs on the destination equipment. See
the manual of the destination equipment for information.
One output channel is low or absent -
• Check that all cables are connected correctly and not damaged. Damaged
cables are a VERY common source of malfunctions!
• Check that the balance is not offset elsewhere in the system.
• If the level trimmers on the rear panel have been adjusted, check that one
has not been set much lower than the other.
Clicks or crackles occur on the outputs -
• Check that all cables are connected correctly and not damaged.
• Check that the overload LED does not light.
The unit fails to slave to a Master Clock -
• Press the Master/Slave button to select Slave mode. If a suitable
reference is connected, the LED should light and the unit should lock after
a few seconds.
• Check that the Reference In or 75R In cable is connected correctly and
not damaged.
• Check that the Master Clock is switched on, set to the right sample rate
and does not require re-calibration.
• Connect a different piece of digital equipment to test the locking capability
of the unit. If the condition persists, contact your Distributor or dCS.
The unit slaves to Word Clock but not AES/EBU
• This can be caused by erroneous system messages. Contact your dealer
or dCS for advice.
The Overload indicator will not go out -
• Remove any input and reference input. If the condition persists, contact
your dealer or dCS - the unit may be faulty.
External meter does not show overload, dCS 904 does.
• The dCS 904 monitors a number of internal points and data word values in
its calculation of overload. This may cause it to indicate an overload while
the final external data word may not show it - for example with a very
narrow but large spike, that the low pass decimation filter may broaden out
sufficiently that the output data does not saturate. It is likely that if the dCS
904 says it is in overload, it is. You can choose to ignore it!
• Some digital meters are quite insensitive to overloads. Such equipment
may include a sensitivity setting, where an overload is only flagged when a
number of consecutive digital words saturate - typically 1, 2, 4 or 8
consecutive samples. There is some justification for this - single saturation
events are not always audible. The dCS 904 flags their presence - it is up
to the recording engineer to decide what to do about it.