To reduce the risk of severe injury or death to persons:
2. Do not permit children either to operate or to play with the opener_ K_p remote contro! in a
locagon inaccess_Me to chiidren.
3. Operate opener only when the door ts _nfull view and free from any obstruction. K_p the door tn
sight until it is completely closed. NO ONE SHOULD CROSS THE PATH OF THE MOVING DOOR.
4. Check safety reversal system monthty_ See page 30. The garage door MUST reverse on contact
with a oneqnch (or a 2x4 board iatd fiat) object placed on the floor. If an adjustment Is made to
either the force or the limit of travet, both adiustments may be needed and the safety rever_l
system must be checked. Failure to property adjust the opener may result in severe injutTy or death.
5. if possible, use the emergency retease Only when the door is in a c!os_ position. Caution should
be taken whenever the disconnect cord is actuated with the door open. Weak or broken springs
may cause the door to fail rapidly, causing injury or death to persons.
6. KEEP GARAGE DOORS PROPERLY BALANCED. S_ page 3. An improperly balanced door may not
reverse when required and could result in severe injury or deat,5. Repairs to _bles, spring
assemblies and other hardware must be made by a professional garage door _rson.
7. Discoenect the e{ectric power to the garage door opener before making any repairs or removing the
Care of Your Opener
Limit and force adjustment controls _e remote control
Limit Controls Force Controls
Ad!ustmer_ L_bga
Weather conditions may cause some minor
changes in door operation requiring some re,*
adjustments, paAicularly dudng the first year of
Pages 28 and 29 refer to the limit and force
adiustments Only a screwdriver s required_ FoIIow
the instructions carefu{_y
Repeat the safety revers_ test (page 30) after any
adjustment of limits or force.
1%e opener must learn the code oNany new remote
control Page 33 explains how to program your
receiver and how to erase a!l codes if required Self
ser,4ce of you_'reseiver is not recommended If
seP4ce is r-_eeded contact your nearest Sears
Service Center
_he remote control ba_e_
The green test light should glow and the opener
should operate when the remote contr@ is activated
If the green test light is dim or does not eeme on,
The 12 Voit bakery should produce power for at least
a year
Dispose of your old battery propedy_
Maintenance Schedule
Once a Month
Manually operate door. If it is unbalanced or
binding, call for professional garage door sePvice,
Check to be sure door opens & closes fully.
Adiust iimits and/or force if necessary.
(See pages 28 and 29.)
Repeat the safety reverse test. Make any
necessary adjustments (See page 30)
Twice a Year
Check chain tenstom Disconnect trolley first.
Adiust if necessary (See page 11),
Once a Year
Oil door toilers, bearings and hinges
The opener does not require additional
Do not grease the door tracks_