Read the Safety instructions on page 12. They also apply to doors without tracks.
,Ciose #_e d_r and ma_'kthe
inside veRicai centerline of
your garage door. E_end the
line onto the header wall
above door
tf headr_m c{earance {s
minimal, you can instai_ the
header bracket on the ceiling.
See page 14.
header bMcket on a 2x4 (on
wall or ceiling), use lag _rews
(not suppti_) to secure_J
fasten the 2x# to structural
On.piece door without track
One-pi_e door without track
pivot hardware
, Open your door to the highest _int of trave_ as
shown Measure the distance from the top d the
door to the floor° Subtract t,he actual height d the
door. Add 8_to the remainder. (See Example).
- Close the door and draw an inte_ectJng horizontal
line on the header w_l at the dete_ined height..
if the total number of inches exceeds the height
available in your garage, use the maximum
height possible, or refer to page 14 for ceiling
Distance from top of door
(at highest point of travel) to fk_r .................... 92"
Actua_ height of dc@r ............................................88"
Remainder ..................................................................
Add .........................................................................8
Bracket height on header wali .............................. =12"
(Measure UP from top of CLOSED door.)
Proceed to Step 2, page 14.