
Overview of the DEC Text Processing Utility
1.6 Learning Path for DECTPU
1.6 Learning Path for DECTPU
The suggested path for learning to use DECTPU is to first read the
documentation describing EVE if you are not familiar with that editor. The
DECTPU/EVE documentation contains both reference and tutorial material for
new EVE users. It also contains material for more experienced users of text
editors and explains how to use DECTPU to extend the EVE interface.
When you are familiar with EVE, you may want to extend or customize it. Study
the source code to see which procedures, variables, and key definitions the editor
uses. Then write DECTPU procedures to implement your extensions. Make
sure that the DECTPU procedures you write do not conflict with procedures or
variables that EVE uses.
To help you learn about the DECTPU language, this manual contains examples
of DECTPU procedures and programs. Many of the descriptions of the built-in
procedures in the DEC Text Processing Utility Reference Manual also have a short
sample procedure that uses the built-in procedure in an appropriate context.
Appendix A contains longer sample procedures that perform useful editing tasks.
These procedures are merely samples; you can adapt them for your own use.
You must substitute an appropriate value for any item in lowercase in sample
procedures and syntax examples.
For more information on designing your own DECTPU-based editor or application
rather than using EVE, see Chapter 5.
1–8 Overview of the DEC Text Processing Utility