
DECTPU Debugger Commands
SET WINDOW top, length
Places the top of the debugger window at the line number specified by the top
parameter. Extends the window down by the number of lines specified by the
length parameter. The default length is 7 lines. The minimum valid length is 3
lines. The SET WINDOW command changes only the size of the source display
area. The output area and command line always occupy exactly one line.
SHIFT [-] number-of-columns
Moves the source display window left or right across the source code to display
text wider than the screen.
To move left, you press the key sequence GOLD/Left Arrow, then enter the
number of columns to move. To move right, you press the key sequence
GOLD/Right Arrow, then enter the number of columns to move.
List the current breakpoints in the debugger source window. To redisplay code in
the source window, use the DISPLAY SOURCE command.
SPAWN subprocess
Suspends the current editing session and creates a new process.
Executes one line of DECTPU code, then returns control to the debugger. If you
have several DECTPU statements on one line, all statements are executed before
control returns to the debugger.
TPU statement
Executes the DECTPU statement you specify. You can enter more than one
statement by using the TPU command just once.
C–2 DECTPU Debugger Commands