Cisco IOS Release 12.0(4)XI1
List of Terms and Acronyms
Configuration Tasks
There are no configuration tasks. All commands in this feature are modified existing show modem
Command Reference
This section documents modified commands. All other commands used with this feature are
documented in the Cisco IOS Release 12.0 command references and the Cisco AS5800 online new
feature documentation. For more information, see the documentation for the existing show modem
No new IOS commands are being added to support V.110 on MICA. However, due to the new V.110
Connect Protocol, Connected Standard, Line Speeds (Bearer Rates) and counters, the code that
handles the following show modem commands has been modified as listed in the following logical
• show modem
Boardware— Software that runs on the CPU on the certain supporting cards
CSM— Call Switching Module
E1— European equivalent of T1, 32 channels of 64KHz, 1 for framing, 1 for signaling
GSM— Global System for Communications
HMM— Hex Modem Module
IOS— Internetworking Operating System
ISDN— Integrated Services Digital Network
LLC— Link Layer Control
MICA— Modem ISDN Channel Aggregation
MSM— Modem State Machine
Portware— Software that runs on MICA digital modem module
PRI— Primary Rate Interface
Q.931— ISDN User-Network Interface Layer 3 Specification for Basic Call Control
North American Channelized TDM w/ 24 channels of 64Khz each plus 8Khz frame
TA— Terminal Adapter
V.110— ITU-T Standard for support by ISDN of Data Terminal Equipment with V-Series Type