
Cisco IOS Release 12.0(4)XI1
By specifying a value 8 in S29, the user causes the remote modem to implicitly assume that a V.110
connection is to be established. This command indicates that an ISDN call is being requested, and
when used with the S29=8 command, results in modem code issuing a ISDN_DIALSTRING
(0x45) request being made to the host.
After entering the S29=8 command, you can enter the desired user rate if different from the default
value of 9600 bps. This command takes the form: S57=speed. For supported rates, see the
“Restrictions” section. For example:
Debug Commands
There are no debug commands specific to this feature. Existing ISDN debug commands can be used.
Example Debug Commands for Cisco AS5200 and Cisco AS5300
router# debug isdn q931
router# debug modem csm
router# term mon
Example Debug Commands for Cisco AS5800
router# debug isdn q931
router# debug csm
router# term mon