Cisco NetFlow Collector User Guide
Chapter 2 Using the NetFlow Collector User Interface
Option Data
An Option Data key builder obtains one or more key values from a flow and performs a look up using
this result from an option data cache. The result of the mapping is the corresponding value from option
data that was specified in the option data cache entry definition. The Option Data key builder has the
following attributes.
Site Name
The Site Name key builder resolves the customer site name from the input interface field. It has the
following attributes:
This key builder requires configuration in the config/vpn.conf file. You must include one row to
correspond to each PE device VPN interface that export NetFlow packets to this NFC server. The rows
in this file contains five fields, in the following order: exporting device (PE) IP address, interface name,
name of the site to which this interface is connected, CE to which this interface is connected, and
customer name. These fields should be separated by commas. See the following example:,FastEthernet0/1.401,vpn1-branchB,CERouter-3,Cisco,FastEthernet0/1.601,vpn2-branchB,CERouter-4,IBM,FastEthernet2/1,vpn2-branchA,CERouter-2,IBM,FastEthernet0/1,vpn1-branchA,CERouter-1,Cisco
Attribute Description
Output name Column name in output.
Option data map entry ID of an option-data-map-entry element declared
in option-data-map in XML configuration.
Keys ID of one or more key builders to produce values
corresponding with the keys in the specified
Attribute Description
Output name Column name in output.
Field ID of the field to obtain from a flow.
Allow null value If notselected, an error is logged if aflow doesnot
contain the indicated field