
Cisco NetFlow Collector User Guide
Chapter 2 Using the NetFlow Collector User Interface
Customizing the Cisco NetFlow Collector Interface
Note The web-based UI only works with the collector located on the same machine. To access a different
instance of Cisco NetFlow Collector you must start that collector’s web server and access it through the
corresponding URL.
Customizing the Cisco NetFlow Collector Interface
The NFC application includes the tool /opt/CSCOnfc/bin/webconfig.sh for configuring HTTP or
HTTPS and the port number for accessing the web UI.
For example, to enable HTTPS access, do the following:
Step 1 To run the tool, enter the following:
Step 2 You are prompted to configure HTTP or HTTPS access to the NFC web server.
Configure http or https access to the NFC web server:
[1] Access the NFC web server with http (unencrypted)
[2] Access the NFC web server with https (encrypted)
Select one:
Step 3 To select HTTPS, enter 2.
Step 4 Enter the port number for web access.
Enter port number for web access [8443]
Step 5 Enter the keystore and certificate password. It must be at least 6 characters.
Step 6 Select a certificate type.
Certificate type:
[1] Create a self-signed certificate
[2] Import an existing certificate
Select one:
If you select 1, the window displays:
Creating keystore with self-signed certificate
Enter certificate validity period in days: [3650]
The subject name in the certificate is based on the hostname of this device
by default. If the URL used to access NFC on this host contains a different
name e.g. IP address, the browser will report a site name mismatch.
Step 7 Enter the subject hostname or IP address.