2-24 LightStream 2020 Installation Guide
Basic LS2020 Configuration Tasks
making free block list
making free inode list
54194 free blocks 3633 free inodes
fsck /dev/sd0c
(all sizes and block numbers in decimal)
(file system creation time is Tue Mar 5 20:07:53 1996)
checking used files
recovering orphaned files
making free block list
making free inode list
49658 free blocks 3698 free inodes
fsck /dev/sd0d
(all sizes and block numbers in decimal)
(file system creation time is Tue Mar 5 20:08:11 1996)
checking used files
recovering orphaned files
making free block list
making free inode list
69884 free blocks 4434 free inodes
mounting all filesystems
Starting VM System ... Virtual Memory Engaged!
Step 2 Enter the appropriate time and date information, as prompted by the system:
The timezone information for this system has not been configured!
Set the daylight savings and time zone information? (y/n) [y] y
Set the daylight savings method to one of the following values:
0 (no daylight savings)
1 (USA)
2 (Australia)
3 (East Europe)
4 (Central Europe)
5 (Western Europe)
Daylight savings method: 1
Set the timezone by specifying the number of minutes west of Greenwich
300 (US Eastern Time)
360 (US Central Time)
420 (US Mountain Time)
480 (US Pacific Time)
Minutes west of Greenwich, England: 300
At the prompt, enter a new date or press <RETURN> to continue.
The date is set to Tue Mar 5 16:04:57 EDT 1996
Enter date (yymmddhhmm[.ss]: 9305041607
At the prompt, enter a new date or press <RETURN> to continue.
The date is set to Tue Mar 5 16:07:00 EDT 1996
Enter date (yymmddhhmm[.ss]: Return
(The second Enter date prompt confirms the initial date entry.)
Note If your LS2020 switch contains two NPs, ensure that their respective clocks agree to within
1 minute. If the clocks differ by more than 1 minute, the software that synchronizes files between
the two NPs may not operate properly.