Hardware Installation 2-15
Basic LS2020 Configuration Tasks
Host Name
You must assign a unique host name to each LS2020 node. Typically, a name can be chosen to reflect
the node’s geographic location (for example, Tokyo2) or its function within an organization (for
example, mfg3).
The name may consist of any combination of letters and numbers up to 32 characters, but it must not
begin with a number. Thus, Pensacola23 is a valid host name, but 23Pensacola is not; similarly,
Pensacola.23 is not a valid name, since it contains a character other than a letter or number.
IP Addresses and Masks
For each LS2020 node, you must provide from one to four IP addresses and associated network
masks, as described below:
• Primary NP address and mask (for every LS2020 node in the network)
Nodes in an LS2020 network use their primary NP addresses to communicate network
management traffic to each other.
Note All NP addresses within the same LS2020 network must have the same network number, and
each node must have a unique host ID.
• Subnet mask for the primary NP address
The subnet mask specifies which portion of the IP address is the network number and which
portion is the host ID. This mask should be configured to be the same for all nodes in a given
LS2020 network.
• Secondary NP address, only if a backup NP is present in the chassis
If a node has a second (backup) NP, the node uses its primary and secondary NP addresses to pass
network management traffic between the two NPs within the node. The primary NP address is
used by whichever NP is active.
Note All NP addresses within the same LS2020 network must have the same network number, and
each node in the network must have a unique host ID.
• Ethernet address and mask of the NP (when either the primary or secondary NP is connected to
an Ethernet LAN)
An Ethernet LAN may be attached to the NP for communicating network management traffic
between the node and the NMS. If an Ethernet LAN is connected to the NP, the NP’s Ethernet IP
address must be configured. If a backup NP is present in the chassis, both NPs must be attached
to the same Ethernet segment. The NP’s Ethernet IP address is used by whichever NP is primary
Note This Ethernet IP address has the network number of the attached Ethernet LAN (which must
be different from the network number of the LS2020 network). The Ethernet IP address also has a
host number that is assigned by the Ethernet LAN administrator.