
Add a Chat Account
Enter all credentials before you save account settings. The application tries to authenticate credentials before
saving and prompts you to try again when you enter incorrect information.
Step 1
Tap the Applications Menu icon on the home screen.
Step 2
Tap Settings .
Step 3
Tap Accounts & Sync.
Step 4
Tap Add Account.
Step 5
Tap Cisco Jabber IM.
Step 6
Enter the chat account credentials.
Signing In
An automatic sign-in option for the Chat application is enabled by default. The Chat application starts
automatically when Cisco Cius is turned on, unless you sign out of the Chat application.
If you are not signed in to the Chat application, the application will try to sign you in automatically when the
application is launched. If the sign-in succeeds, the Chat Contacts screen is displayed. If the sign-in does not
succeed, you will be prompted to reenter your account credentials.
The Contacts application is integrated with the Chat application.
The following image shows the Chat contacts screen.
Figure 31: Chat Contacts
Related Topics
Contacts, on page 58
Cisco Cius User Guide, Release 9.2(3)
OL-26946-01 73
Signing In