The simplest way to configure, manage, and monitor the switch
is by using the device manager. You can access the device
manager from anywhere in your network through a web
browser. Follow these steps:
1. Set up and install the switch in your network, and connect
devices as described in this guide.
2. Launch a web browser on your PC.
3. Enter the switch IP address (the address that you assigned
in Step 8) in the web browser, and press Enter. The device
manager page appears.
4. To end the session, close your browser window.
About Cisco Network Assistant
Cisco Network Assistant is a free software program that you
download from Cisco.com and run on your PC. Network
Assistant offers advanced options for configuring and
monitoring multiple devices. Click Network Assistant on the
device manager menu for more information.
Help with the initial switch configuration is provided below. For
additional assistance, refer to the online documentation at
Cisco.com > Technical Support & Documentation > Switches >
Catalyst Express 500 Switches.
Checklist Recommendation
blinking when you
pressed the SETUP
If no, or you are not sure, restart
the switch. Make sure that the
SETUP LED is blinking when you
press the SETUP button.
Did you connect your PC
to the wrong switch port?
Verify that you are connected to
the switch port with the blinking
LED as shown in Step 6.