Cisco ONS 15530 Configuration Guide and Command Reference
78-16019-02, Cisco IOS Release 12.2(18)SV2
Chapter 3 Initial Configuration
Configuring CPU Switch Module Redundancy
deviation_numbers_str YES N/A N/A
manufacturing_use YES 0 0
rma_number_str YES
rma_failure_code_str YES
oem_str YES Cisco Cisco
clei_str YES TBD TBD
snmp_oid_substr YES TBD TBD
schematic_num_str YES 92-4568-03 92-4568-03
Backplane IDPROM field Match Local CPU Peer CPU
--------------------------- ----- -------------------- --------------------
hardware_major_version YES 3 3
hardware_minor_version YES 1 1
engineering_use_str YES LAB Prototype LAB Prototype
crc16 OK 52960 10284
user_track_string NO hello PhyAlias test AssetTag123
diagst YES ^A ^A
board_specific_revision YES 1 1
board_specific_magic_number YES 153 153
board_specific_length YES 56 56
mac_address_block_size YES 16 16
mac_address_base_str YES 00016447a240 00016447a240
cpu_number OK 0 1
optical_backplane_type YES 255 255
The following example shows how to display the running configuration file on the standby CPU switch
sby-Switch# show redundancy running-config-file
version 12.1
no service pad
service timestamps debug uptime
service timestamps log uptime
no service password-encryption
no service dhcp
hostname Switch
<Information deleted>
Reloading the CPU Switch Modules
To reload one or both of the CPU switch modules, use the following privileged EXEC commands on the
active CPU switch module CLI:
The following example shows how to reload the standby CPU switch module:
Switch# redundancy reload peer
Reload peer [confirm] y
Preparing to reload peer
Command Purpose
redundancy reload peer Reloads the standby CPU switch module.
redundancy reload shelf Reloads both CPU switch modules in the shelf.