Cisco Video Surveillance 4300 and 4500 High-Definition IP Cameras User Guide
Chapter 3 Configuring and Managing the IP Camera
Log Windows
Table 3-25 describes the messages that can appear in the IP camera log file. When you view the log file,
each message includes the date and time that it was logged. In this table:
• Messages appear in alphabetical order
• Angle brackets (<>) indicate items that are replaced by appropriate information when the message
appears. Italic text describes these items.
• Severity indicates the severity of the message:
0—Emergency (the system is unusable)
1—Alert (a situation occurred that requires immediate action)
2—Critical (a situation occurred that requires action soon)
3—Error (an error occurred, but it does not necessarily affect the ability of the system to
4—Warning (an undesirable condition occurred)
5—Notice (notification about a system condition that is not an error condition)
6—Informational (information about a system activity)
7—Debug (information about a system activity with detailed technical information)
Table 3-25 Log Messages
Message Name Description that Appears in Log File Explanation Severity
AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Access authentication to <web server,
streaming server, or SSH server> by
user <user> <IP address or
hostname> failed.
An attempt to log in or authenticate to
the IP camera failed.
AUTHENTICATION_FAILED Access authentication to <server type>
server <server IP address or
hostname> failed.
The IP camera was unable to access an
SNTP, Syslog, DNS, SMTP, HTTP, or
802.1x server.
AUTHORIZATION_FAILED Unauthorized address <IP address or
hostname> attempted to access camera.
An attempt was made to access the IP
camera by using invalid user
credentials for from an IP address that
has been configured for no access.
CODEC_LOST Connection to Codec/Sensor module
was lost. Internal module is either down
or not responding.
The IP camera codec/sensor module is
not responding.
CONFIG_SAVE_FAILED Saving configuration to user <user>
<IP address or hostname> failed.
A user attempt to save the IP camera
configuration failed.
CONFIG_SAVED Configuration saved by user <user>
<IP address or hostname>.
The IP camera configuration was saved
by a user.
CONFIG_UPLOAD_FAILED Uploading configuration failed from
user <user> <IP address or hostname>.
A user attempt to import the IP camera
configuration failed.
CONFIG_UPLOADED Configuration uploaded from user
<user> <IP address or hostname>.
The IP camera configuration was
imported by a user.
DEFAULTS_FAILED Restoring factory defaults failed for
user <user> <IP address or hostname>.
An attempt to reset the IP camera to its
factory default configuration failed.