Cisco Video Surveillance 4300 and 4500 High-Definition IP Cameras User Guide
Chapter 3 Configuring and Managing the IP Camera
Network Setup Windows
802.1x Settings Window
The 802.1x Settings window provides options for configuring 802.1x authentication for the IP camera.
These settings require that RADIUS be configured on your network to provide the client authentication.
To display the 802.1x Settings window, access the configuration windows as described in the
“Performing the Initial Setup of the IP Camera” section on page 2-5, click Network Setup, then click
802.1x (RADIUS).
If you change any options in this window, you must click the Save Settings button to save the changes.
If you do not click this button, changes are not retained when you exit the window. Save Settings
appears at the bottom of the window. You may need to scroll down to it.
Table 3-14 describes the options in the 802.1x Settings window.
Table 3-14 802.1x Settings Window Options
Option Description
802.1x Settings Area
Enable 802.1x Check this check box to enable 802.1x authentication for the IP camera.
Protocol Type Choose the protocol for 802.1x authentication. Options are EAP-TLS,
The remaining fields in this window change depending on the protocol type
that you choose.
EAP-TLS Configuration Options
Note These options appear if you select the protocol type EAP-TLS.
User Name Enter the user name that the IP camera uses to access the RADIUS server.
Device (Client)
Path and folder where the device certificate for the IP camera is stored. You
can click Browse to find this location.
After you enter this information, click Upload to upload the certificate to the
IP camera.
Password (for Private
If the private key in the device certificate is password protected, enter the
password that is required to unlock the private key.
Root CA Certificate Path and folder where the root certificate that is required for 802.1x
authentication is stored. You can click Browse to find this location.
After you enter this information, click Upload to upload the certificate to the
IP camera.
EAP-TTLS Configuration Options
Note These options appear if you select the protocol type EAP-TTLS.
Inner Authentication Choose an inner authentication method for EAP-TTLS. Options are
User Name Enter the user name that the IP camera uses to access the RADIUS server.
Password Enter the password that the IP camera uses to access the RADIUS server.
Anonymous ID Optional. Unsigned public identifier to be used instead of a user name for
logging in to the RADIUS server.
Validate Server
Check this check box if you want the identity of the RADIUS server to be