
6 Configuring TN3270 Server on the Channel Interface Processor
Configuring TN3270 on a Channel Interface Processor
Note To enable the TN3270 server feature, you must have a CIP installed in a Cisco 7000 family
router.The TN3270server isdifferent fromthe TN3270terminal emulationaccess featuredescribed
in the “Configuring TN3270” chapter of the Access Services Configuration Guide.
Configuring TN3270 on a Channel Interface Processor
The following sections describe additional features of TN3270 server support on the CIP. The
features discussed include the following:
Dynamic LU Allocation
Formation of LU Model Type and Number
Specific LU Allocation
SNA Session Switch—End Node DLUR
Multiple Hosts Support
You will also need to understand the following information before proceeding with TN3270
configuration tasks:
VTAM Host Configuration Considerations for Dynamic LU Allocation
TN3270 Configuration Modes
Dynamic LU Allocation
This will be the most common form of request from TN3270 clients emulating a TN3270 terminal.
The user typically wants to specify emulating a particular terminal type and normally is not
interested in what LOCADDR or LU name is allocated by the host, as long as a network solicitor
logon menu is presented. The server will perform the following on such a session request:
Form an EBCDIC string based on the model type and number requested by the client (see
“Formation ofLU ModelType and Number”for the algorithmused). Thisstring is usedas a field
in a Reply product set ID (PSID) network management vector transport (NMVT).
Allocate a LOCADDR from the next available LU in the generic LU pool. This LOCADDR is
used in the NMVT.
Send the formatted Reply PSID NMVT to VTAM.
When VTAM receives the NMVT, it will use the EBCDIC model type and number string to look up
an LU template under the LUGROUP. For example, the string “327802E” will find a match in the
sample configuration shown in Figure 2. An ACTLU will be sent and a terminal session with the
model and type requested by the client is established.
Formation of LU Model Type and Number
VTAM requires a model type and number from the Reply PSID NMVT to use as a key to look up in
the LU group to find an LU template. The model type is a four character string; the model number
is a two orthree character string. Theserver will acceptthe following formatsof terminal typestring
from the client:
IBM-<XXXX>-<Y>[-E]: This will be formatted as “XXXX0Y”or “XXXX0YE” in the model
type and number field in the Reply PSID NMVT.