TN3270 Server Commands 37
show extended channel tn3270-server
DISCONN number Total number of disconnects since the TN3270 feature was started.
FAIL number Total number of failed connects since the TN3270 feature was
The average responsetime from thehost across allsessions through
this server IP address. This is measured from sending CD to the
host to receiving the reply.
Average response time from the clients on this server IP address.
This is measured only when TIMING MARKs are sent. If no
timing-mark isconfigured, theyare only senton special occasions,
such as Bind.
IDLE-TIME number Configured idle-time for this PU.
KEEPALIVE number Configured keepalive for this PU.
UNBIND-ACTION type Configured unbind action for LUs on this PU.
TCP-PORT number Configured TCP port number.
GENERIC-POOL type Configured generic-pool for LUs on this PU.
DLUR fq-cpname Configured fully qualified DLUR CP name.
STATUS Possible DLUR-DLUS status values and their meanings are:
reset—The DLUR-DLUS pipe is reset.
pnd-actv—The DLUR-DLUS pipe is pending active.
active—The DLUR-DLUS pipe is active.
pnd-inac—The DLUR-DLUS pipe is pending inactive.
DLUS fq-dlusname Currently active DLUS.
NAME pu-name This is the name of the PU as configured.
IP:TCP ip-addr:tcpport IP address and TCP port number configured for the PU.
XID number Configured XID - idblk and idnum.
STATE value Possible STATE values and their meanings are:
• shut—The PU is configured but in shut state.
• reset—The link station of this PU is not active.
• test—PU is sending a TEST to establish link.
• xid—TEST is responded, XID is sent.
• p-actpu—The link station is up but no ACTPU is received.
• active—ACTPU is received and acknowledged positively.
• act/busy—Awaiting host to acknowledge the SSCP-PU data.
• wait—Waiting for PU status from CIP.
• other—PU in undefined state.
• p-rqactpu-r—DLUR PU is pending request ACTPU response.
• p-active—ACTPU received by DLUR but not yet passed to PU.
• p-dactpu—PU is pending DACTPU.
Table 5 Show tn3270-server Field Descriptions (Continued)
Field Description