Understanding the Status Indicator Light
The status indicator light on the front panel of a Cisco 1040 indicates what the Cisco 1040 is currently
doing. The following table lists the conditions that the status indicator light can be in and places the
conditions in startup sequence order.
Number Status Indicator Light Cisco 1040 Condition
1 Orange solid Initial state
2 Yellow and flashing Obtained power from the switch and is doing one of the
1. Obtaining an IP address using DHCP.
2. Accessing the TFTP server.
3. Requesting the configuration file and the binary
image file.
3 Yellow solid Registering to a service monitor.
Note If unable to register, the Cisco 1040 returns to
startup sequence number 2.
4 Green solid or green and
Registered to a service monitor:
• Green solid—Registered to the primary service
• Green and flashing—Registered to a secondary
service monitor. When the primary service monitor
is available again, Cisco 1040 registers with it again
and the status indicator light turns green solid.