Selecting and Creating Tones
You can use a pedal, the bender, or other devices, to instantly
change the pitch and volume of notes, the envelope, and
other parameters as you perform.
A pedal operation can be used to sustain notes, arpeggios
(page E-40), or phrases (page E-44), or to apply a soft effect.
• For information about connecting a pedal, see page E-8.
• You can specify the effect applied by a pedal operation by
performing the following operation on the performance
editing list: Controller >Ent 3 Pedal. See page E-65 for
more information.
BENDER wheel can be use to seamlessly raise or
lower the pitch of a sound, while the
adds vibrato (modulation effect) to the sound.
• Do not have a wheel rotated as you turn on Synthesizer
• You can control the bend range of the
BENDER wheel
by configuring the following settings on the performance
editing list: BendRngDwn, BendRngUp (page E-64).
The four
ASSIGNABLE KNOBS can be assigned
functions that enable instant adjustment of a sound attack
time and other envelope parameters (page E-22), volume,
and more.
• The following shows the knob functions for each Zone Part
1 tone category.
Solo Synthesizer tones (page E-24)
Hex layer tones (page E-30)
Drawbar organ tones (page E-32)
PCM melody tones (page E-33)
PCM drum tones (page E-34)
The above functions show the abbreviated names used on
the tone mode screen.
• You can change the operations currently assigned to the
assignable knobs by performing the following operation on
the on the performance editing list (page E-65):
Controller >Ent 3 K1 to K4.
Controlling Sounds
Using a Pedal
Using the Wheels (Bender, Modulation)
Using the Assignable Knobs
K1 : Cut off Frequency (Block (7)) (page E-27)
K2 : Resonance (Block (7)) (page E-27)
K3 : Attack Time (Block (1) to (6) Amp >Envelope >)
(page E-26)
K4 : Release Time 1 (Block (1) to (6) Amp >Envelope >)
(page E-26)
Raises and lowers pitch.
(Releasing wheel returns
to original pitch.)
Applies modulation.
(Raising wheel
applies modulation.)
K1 : Cut off Frequency (Layer 1 to 6 individual) (page E-30)
K2 : Detune (Layer 1 to 6 global) (page E-31)
K3 : Attack Time (Layer 1 to 6 individual) (page E-30)
K4 : Release Time (Layer 1 to 6 individual) (page E-30)
K1 : Vibrato Rate
K2 : Vibrato Depth
K3 : Percussion Decay Time
K4 : Reverb Send (Same as other tone categories.)
K1 : Cut off Frequency
K2 : Attack Time
K3 : Release Time
K4 : Reverb Send (Same as other tone categories.)
K1 : Volume (Drum Inst >)
K2 : Pan (Drum Inst >)
K3 : Reverb Send (Drum Inst >)
K4 : Reverb Send (Same as other tone categories.)