Selecting and Creating Tones
Envelope >Ent
Pitch envelope. Group of editable envelope (Envelope Generator) parameters
applied to the synth OSC, PCM OSC, and pitch shifter.
• The figure below also applies to filter, amp, and other envelopes. With the pitch
envelope, the pitch of the sound corresponds to the vertical (Level) axis.
Init.Level (V) Initial level. Pitch of the sound at initial note on. –64 to 0 to +63
Atk.Time (V) Attack time. Time it takes until the attack level is reached from the initial level. 0 to 127
Atk.Level (V) Attack level. Target level reached immediately after note on. –64 to 0 to +63
Dec.Time (V)
Decay time. Time it takes for the sound to reach the sustain level from the attack
0 to 127
Sus.Level (V)
Sustain level. Level the sound is sustained as long as a key or pedal is
–64 to 0 to +63
Rel.Time1 (V) Release time 1. Time it takes to reach Release Level 1 after a key is released. 0 to 127
Rel.Level1 (V) Release level 1. Target level reached immediately after a key is released. –64 to 0 to +63
Rel.Time2 (V) Release time 2. Time it takes to reach Release Level 2 from Release Level 1. 0 to 127
Rel.Level2 (V) Release level 2. Second target level reached after a key is released. –64 to 0 to +63
Clock trigger. Specifies the number of beats for resetting the envelope. Selecting
a setting from 1/4U to 4U resets to the timing of the back beat.
Off, 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3,
1, 3/2, 2, 3, 4, 1/4U,
1/3U, 1/2U, 2/3U, 1U,
3/2U, 2U, 3U, 4U
(Block (5)
External trigger. When on, the envelope is reset by an external trigger. Off, On
LFO1 Depth (V) LFO1 depth. Specifies how LFO1 from Block (8) is applied. –64 to 0 to +63
LFO2 Depth (V) LFO2 depth. Specifies how LFO2 from Block (9) is applied. –64 to 0 to +63
(Blocks (1) and (2) only) (V)
Pulse width. Adjusts the width of the square wave when the synth wave is a
square wave.
0 to 127
PWM LFO1 Depth
(Blocks (1) and (2) only) (V)
PWM LFO1 depth. Adjusts the depth of pulse width modulation by LFO1.
–64 to 0 to +63
PWM LFO2 Depth
(Blocks (1) and (2) only) (V)
PWM LFO2 depth. Adjusts the depth of pulse width modulation by LFO2. –64 to 0 to +63
Sync OSC (Block (2) only)
Oscillator sync. Turning on this resets the Block (2) sound wave in accordance
with the Block (1) sound wave period, cause them to become synced.
Off, On
OriginalKey (Block (5) only)(V)
Original key. Selects the keyboard keys where the externally input sound to
Block (5) is sounded as-is at its original pitch.
• Setting can be specified using the keyboard keys.
C-1 to G9
MicInstLvl (Block (5) only) (V) Mic/inst level. Level of external input sound to Block (5). 0 to 127
Display Text Description Settings
IL : Init Level RT1 : Release Time1
AT : Attack Time RL1 : Release Level1
AL : Attack Level RT2 : Release Time2
DT : Decay Time RL2 : Release Level2
SL : Sustain Level