Date and time input
The following guidelines apply to inputting dates and times in the Schedule
Keeper and Reminder Modes, and dates in the Expense Mode.
• Years can be input within the range of 1901 through 2099.
• Pressing
TIME/DATE or J while there is nothing inside the year input area
inputs 2000.
• An input value from 1 to 49 for the year is automatically converted to the
corresponding 21st century year (2001 to 2049). A value from 50 to 99 is
converted to the corresponding 20th century year (1950 to 1999).
• You must input all four digits to specify a date from 1901 to 1949 or from 2050
to 2099.
• Use 12-hour format if the Home Time is set for 12-hour format or 24-hour
format if the Home Time is set for 24-hour format.
• You do not have to input the minutes if they are “00'’.
• If you are using 12-hour time format, press
A to specify AM or P to specify PM.
• All illegal input (13 for the month, for example) is ignored.
Inputting Letters, Numbers and Symbols