Copying file with PC card (from PA-2400W to PA-2400W)
Fig. 8.2
1) Set a file correctly at the transmission side of PA-2400W.
2) Specify a file (to be copied) in script file and creation of list file (FCHK.LOG) in the same
script file.
3) Create list file on the transmission side of PA-2400W by using the File Check utility.
FCHK /G /SC <Script file name> <Destination directory name>
FCHK.LOG file is generated [FCHK.LOG file = list file]
4) As file is copied to an installed PC card (use the icon “My Handheld PC” to copy),
FCHK.LOG file should be copied to the card as well.
5) Copy the file to specified directory (use the icon “My Handheld PC” to copy) on the
reception side from the card. After copying the file, have the File Check utility run on the
reception side to check if both the files, file to be copied and list file (FCHK.LOG), are
copied correctly.
PC card PC card
Transmission side (PA-2400W)
Reception side (PA-2400W)