5.3 Details of Function
Title Function
This function monitors the connection and mounting status of PA-2400W terminal on I/O Box for a
specified period of time and returns a result of it. When the power of I/O Box is turned off, the status is considered
as improper connection of PA-2400W with I/O Box.
It returns also an error if other program uses this function at the same time. If the power switch of I/O Box
is turned off during wait specified period, the monitoring can be continued from the state before the power is off.
C Language Interface
Calling Sequence
int iobox_chk ( DWORD time_out );
DWORD time_out : Maximum time to monitor the session (0 to 4,294,967,295 msec.)
INFINITE = No timeout
(4,294,967,295 msec. equals to INFINITE.)
Return Values
0 : Session establishment detected
1 : Timeout
-1 : Used exclusively by other program
Others : Fail to call the function.
#include <IoBox1. H>