Chapter 12: Program Application 215Chapter 12: Program Application 215
StrLwr Misc - String(2)
Syntax: StrLwrⅪ"<string>", <storage variable name>
Function: Converts all the characters of a string to
lower case and assigns the resulting string to the
specified variable.
StrMid Misc - String(2)
Syntax: StrMidⅪ"<string>",
n, <storage variable
name> [,<number of characters>]
Function: Copies a specific number of characters of a
string, starting from the
nth character, and assigns the
resulting string to the specified variable.
Description: Omitting the number of characters
causes the string to be copied up to the end.
StrRight Misc - String(2)
Syntax: StrRightⅪ"<string>",
n, <storage variable
Function: Copies a string up to the
nth character
from the right, and assigns the resulting string to the
specified variable.
StrRotate Misc - String(2)
Syntax: StrRotateⅪ"<string>", <storage variable
name> [,
Function: Rotates the left side part and right side
part of a string at the
nth character, and assigns the
resulting string to the specified variable.
Description: Rotation is to the left when “
n” is positive,
and to the right when “n” is negative. Omitting “n”
uses a default value of +1.
StrShift Misc - String(2)
Syntax: StrShiftⅪ"<string>", <storage variable name>
Function: Shifts a string left or right
n characters, and
assigns the resulting string to the specified variable.
Description: Shift is to the left when “
n” is positive,
and to the right when “n” is negative. Omitting “n”
uses a default value of +1.
StrSrc Misc - String(2)
Syntax: StrSrcⅪ"<string 1>", "<string 2>", <storage
variable name> [,<search start location>]
Function: Searches "<string 1>" starting from the
specified point (
nth character from beginning of
string) to determine if it contains the data specified
by "<string 2>". If the data is found, this command
returns the location of the first character of "<string
2>", starting from the beginning of "<string 1>".
Description: Omitting the start point causes the
search to start from the beginning of "<string 1>".
strToExp( Misc - String(2)
Syntax: strToExp("<string>")
Function: Converts a string to an expression, and
executes the expression.
StrUpr Misc - String(2)
Syntax: StrUprⅪ"<string>", <storage variable name>
Function: Converts all the characters of a string to
upper case and assigns the resulting string to the
specified variable.
Switch~Case~Default~SwitchEnd Ctrl - Switch
SwitchⅪ<expression 1> : CaseⅪ<expression 2> :
[<statement>] … : Break : CaseⅪ<expression 3> … :
[<statement>] … : Break : … : CaseⅪ<expression
n> :
[<statement>] … : Break : Default : [<statement>] … :
• <expression 1> through <expression n> should be
expressions that produce real numbers.
Function: Executes one of a series of processes
based on the value of <expression>.
• This command executes the statement following
the Case expression that matches the Switch
• If there is no matching Case expression, the
statement following Default is executed. If there
is no Default specified, a non-match jumps to the
statement following SwitchEnd.
• You can use a multi-statement command (:) in place
of the carriage return to separate statements.
• Switch~SwitchEnd can be exited using the Break
command, Return command, or Goto command.
SwitchEnd Ctrl - Switch
See Switch~Case~Default~SwitchEnd.
TableInput Misc - Setup(3)
Function: Used as a SetTVariable command
argument to specify an option. See SetTVariable.
TangentLine I/O - Sketch
Syntax: TangentLineⅪ<graph number>,
x-coordinate> [,<color command>]
Function: Draws a line tangent to the graph at the
Syntax: TCDⅪLower value, Upper value,
df value
Function: See “Student’s
t Cumulative Distribution”
(page 145).
Text I/O - Sketch
Syntax: TextⅪ<horizontal pixel value>, <vertical pixel
value>, {<numeric value> ; "<string>" ; <variable>}
[,<color command>]
Function: Displays the specified text on the Graph
Then Ctrl - If
See If~Then~ElseIf~Else~IfEnd.