
Chapter 12: Program Application 202Chapter 12: Program Application 202
DispStat I/O - Display
Syntax: DispStat
Function: Displays previous statistical calculation
DispText I/O - Display
Syntax: DispText
Function: This command displays the Program Output
Description: You can use this command to re-display
the Program Output window following display of the
Graph window, Table window, or other window.
Example: To re-display the Program Output window
after it has been cleared by a graphing operation or
some other operation
GraphType "
y=": Define y1(x) = (x): GTSelOn 1
ViewWindow : 0
FStart : 10
FEnd : 1
Initializes the Program Output window.
Print "y1(x) = (x)" Displays the graph expression on
the Program Output window.
Print "Tap Continue button." Tells user what to do
to continue program execution after reading the
Pause Pauses program execution to allow user to read
Program Output window message.
DrawGraph Draws the graph.
DispFTable Displays the table.
Pause Pauses program execution to allow for graph
and table editing. Program Output window is not
displayed at this time.
DispText Re-displays the Program Output window.
Pause Pauses program execution to allow user to read
Program Output window message.
Distance I/O - Sketch
Syntax: Distance<
x-coordinate 1>, <y-coordinate
1>, <x-coordinate 2>, <y-coordinate 2>
Function: Determines the distance between two
Description: Executing this command makes the
Graph window active, displays pointers at the
locations of coordinates 1 and 2, and displays the
distance between the pointers.
Tip: An error occurs if <x-coordinate> or <y-coordinate> is
outside of the current Graph window.
Do~LpWhile Ctrl - Do
Syntax: Do : [<statement>] … : LpWhile<expression>
• <expression> is a condition that evaluates to true or
Function: The specified statements are repeated as
long as the condition is true.
• The statements between Do~LpWhile are repeated
as long as the condition is true. When the condition
becomes false, execution jumps to the next
command after the LpWhile command.
• Since the condition comes after LpWhile, the
condition is not evaluated until the end of the loop is
• You can use a multi-statement command (:) in place
of the carriage return to separate statements.
• Do not use the Goto command to exit a
Do~LpWhile loop.
Dot Misc - Statistics(2)
Function: Used as a StatGraph command argument
to specify an option. See StatGraph.
DrawConics I/O - Draw
Syntax: DrawConics
Function: Draws a conics graph based on the data
registered on the Conics Editor window.
DrawFTGCon, DrawFTGPlot I/O - Draw
Syntax: DrawFTGCon
Function: Graphs a function using a generated
number table, in accordance with the conditions of
each command.
Description: FTG stands for “Function Table Graph”.
DrawFTGCon draws a connect type graph, while
DrawFTGPlot draws a plot type graph.
DrawGraph I/O - Draw
Syntax: DrawGraph[<expression>][,<color
Function: Graphs the selected expression or an
expression specified as a parameter.
Description: <expression> has a
y= type expression
on the right side. Graphing of any other type of
expression is not supported by this command.
DrawSeqCon, DrawSeqPlt I/O - Draw
Syntax: DrawSeqCon
Function: Graphs a recursion expression whose
vertical axis is
or c
) and whose horizontal axis
is n using a generated number table, in accordance
with the conditions of each command.
Description: DrawSeqCon draws a connect type
graph, while DrawSeqPlt draws a plot type graph.