Function Calculations
Switching between improper fraction and mixed fraction format
Pressing the ! M (
) key toggles the display fraction between mixed fraction and
improper fraction format.
Switching between fraction and decimal format
• If the calculation result includes a fraction, the display format (improper fraction or mixed
fraction) is in accordance with the “Frac Result” setting of the Setup screen. For details, see
“1-8 Using the Setup Screen”.
• You cannot switch from decimal format to mixed fraction format if the total number of
digits used in the mixed fraction (including integer, numerator, denominator, and separator
symbols) is greater than 10.
k Engineering Notation Calculations
Input engineering symbols using the engineering notation menu.
• Be sure to specify Comp for Mode in the Setup screen.
Example Operation
999k (kilo) + 25k (kilo)
= 1.024M (mega)
!m (SET UP) f (or c 12 times)
4 (Eng)J
999 K 6 (g )6 (g )1 (EYSM)6 (g )1 (k)+
25 1 (k)w
9 ÷ 10 = 0.9 = 900m (milli)
= 0.9
= 0.0009k (kilo)
= 0.9
= 900m
9 / 10 w
K 6 (g )6 (g) 1 (EYSM)6 (g )6 (g )3 (ENG)*
3 (ENG)*
2 (ENG)*
2 (ENG)*
Converts the displayed value to the next
higher engineering unit, by shifting the
decimal point three places to the right.
Converts the displayed value to the next lower
engineering unit, by shifting the decimal point
three places to the left.