k S
SHT Mode Function Menu
• { FILE } … {displays the FILE submenu}
• { NEW } … {creates a new spreadsheet fi le}
• { OPEN } … {displays a list of previously saved spreadsheet fi les}
You can select a fi le on this list and open it or delete it.
• { SV
A S } … {saves the displayed spreadsheet under a new name (Save As)}
• { RECAL } … {recalculates the formulas included in the displayed spreadsheet}
• { EDIT } … {displays the EDIT submenu}
• { CUT } / { PASTE } … 1 (CUT) specifi es you want to cut the currently selected cell(s).
This causes the 1 function key function to change to (PASTE),
so you can move the cell cursor to another location and press
1 (PASTE) to paste the cells you cut. Performing the paste
operation causes the original cells to be cleared.
• { COPY } … 2 (COPY) specifi es you want to copy the currently selected cell(s). This
causes the 1 function key function to change to (PASTE), so you can
move the cell cursor to another location and press 1 (PASTE) to paste the
cells you copied. Performing the paste operation does not affect the original
• { CELL } … {recalls the contents of the currently selected cell (one only) for editing}
• { JUMP } … {displays a JUMP submenu}
• { GO } … {displays a dialog box for making the cell cursor jump to a particular cell}
• { TOP ↑ } … {causes the cell cursor to jump to line 1 of the column where the cell
cursor is located}
• { TOP ← } … {causes the cell cursor to jump to column A of the line where the cell
cursor is located}
• { BOT ↓ } … {causes the cell cursor to jump to last line of the column where the cell
cursor is located}
• { BOT → } … {causes the cell cursor to jump to column Z of the line where the cell
cursor is located}
Spreadsheet Overview