Graph Analysis Tool Graph Screen Operations
k Using Trace
Trace displays a crosshair pointer on the displayed graph along with the coordinates of the
current cursor position. You can use the cursor keys to move the pointer along the graph.
You can also use trace to obtain the periodic frequency value for a particular range, and
assign the range (time) and periodic frequency values in separate Alpha-Memory values.
To use trace
1. On the graph screen, press !1(TRCE).
• This causes a trace pointer to appear on the graph. The coordinates of the current trace
pointer location are also shown on the display.
2. Use the d and e cursor keys to move the trace pointer along the graph to the location
you want.
• The coordinate values change in accordance with the trace pointer movement.
• You can exit the trace pointer at any time by pressing J.
To obtain the periodic frequency value
1. Use the procedure under “To use trace” above to start a trace operation.
2. Move the trace pointer to the start point of the range whose periodic frequency you want
to obtain, and then press w.
3. Move the trace pointer to the end point of the range whose periodic frequency you want
to obtain.
• This causes the period and periodic frequency value at the start point you selected in
step 2 to appear along the bottom of the screen.