• Graph draw operation DrawGraph=
Input this Y1 with )(GRPH)(Y)@ (displayed as ). A Syntax ERROR will occur
if you input “Y” with the calculator keys.
S Syntax of other graphing functions
• V-Window View Window <Xmin>, <Xmax>, <Xscale>, <Ymin>, <Ymax>, <Yscale>,
min>, <T
max>, <T
StoV-Win <area of V-Win>............... area: 1 to 6
RclV-Win <area of V-Win>............... area: 1 to 6
• Zoom Factor <X factor>, <Y factor>
ZoomAuto........................................ Non-parameter
• Pict StoPict <area of picture>................. area: 1 to 6
numeric expression
RclPict <area of picture> ............... area: 1 to 6
numeric expression
• Sketch PlotOn <X-coordinate>, <Y-coordinate>
PlotOff <X-coordinate>, <Y-coordinate>
PlotChg <X-coordinate>, <Y-coordinate>
PxlOn <line number>, <column number>
PxlOff <line number>, <column number>
PxlChg <line number>, <column number>
PxlTest <line number>, <column number>
Text <line number>, <column number>, "<text>"
Text <line number>, <column number>, <expression>
SketchThick <Sketch or Graph statement>
SketchBroken <Sketch or Graph statement>
SketchDot <Sketch or Graph statement>
SketchNormal <Sketch or Graph statement>
Tangent <function>, <X-coordinate>
Normal <function>, <X-coordinate>
Inverse <function>
F-Line <X-coordinate 1>, <Y-coordinate 1>, <X-coordinate 2>,
<Y-coordinate 2>
Circle <center point X-coordinate>, <center point Y-coordinate>,
<radius R value>
Vertical <X-coordinate>
Horizontal <Y-coordinate>
I UsingDynamicGraphFunctionsinaProgram
Using Dynamic Graph functions in a program makes it possible to perform repeated Dynamic
Graph operations. The following shows how to specify the Dynamic Graph range inside a