Register Camera Server and Set Recording Schedule
Set Normal Schedule
Configure Motion Detection Recording and Sensor Recording Settings
Check the On motion
detection box if you want
recording activated when
motion is detected during this
time period.
Check the On sensor event box if you want recording activated from a sensor
event during this time period.
Click Settings to change the details.
Refer to P. 124 and P. 131 for details of Motion Detection and Sensor Event
Set Continuous Recording
Click the Continuously at
Max. box if you want to set
continuous recording for the
duration of the time period.
Select a frame rate for recorded video from the drop-down menu, or input a value
from the keyboard.
You can set the frame rate from 0.1 frames per second to 30 frames per second.
The default is 5 frames par seconds. The upper limit is 5 frames per second with
Refer to P. 123 for details of Continuous Recording.
Configure Audio Recording
If you want to record audio when video
recording mode is set, select the Audio
recording checkbox.
Audio-only recording is not available, so
Audio recording should be set as an
addition to video recording.