
Canon provides a number of tools to help organizations enforce their internal company policies and
meet regulatory requirements. Whether a single imageRUNNER ADVANCE system is deployed, or a
fleet of them, these solutions provide the ability to audit usage and limit access to features and
functions enterprise-wide—at the group and user-level.
5.1 – imageWARE Enterprise Management Console
imageWARE Enterprise Management Console (EMC) is a highly scalable web-based management
utility for administrators that delivers a streamlined, centralized point of control for all devices
installed across enterprises. The software makes it easier for organizations to securely manage one
or more imageRUNNER ADVANCE systems remotely across a network. To aid in implementing and
managing an MFP infrastructure, imageWARE Enterprise Management Console facilitates the secure
distribution of device configuration information and address books using SSL encryption, as well as
distributing standard and custom driver configurations to client workstations on the network.
5.2 – Restricting Device Setup Screens
Administrators can lock-out access to device setup screens for unauthorized users from the control
panel and Remote UI utility in an effort to protect its configuration information.
FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn rreessttrriiccttiinngg aacccceessss ttoo tthhee ddeevviicceess sseettuupp ssccrreeeennss,, pplleeaassee rreeffeerr ttoo tthhee
5.3 – Access Management System
The Access Management System enables the ability for administrators to restrict access to the
features of the system at the device or function level. If device authentication is used, users will
need to login prior to accessing the Main Menu. If Function Level Authentication in the Access
Management System is used, users will be prompted for their credentials to use certain, often
sensitive device features.
FFoorr mmoorree iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn tthhee AAcccceessss MMaannaaggeemmeenntt SSyysstteemm,, pplleeaassee rreeffeerr ttoo tthhee
DDeevviiccee SSeeccuurriittyy
White Paper: Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE Security
Section 5 – Security Monitoring & Management Tools