White Paper: Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE Security
Administrators can manage the Advanced Box feature through the Remote UI interface and
perform the following actions:
• Create user accounts and define type (Admin vs. End User)
• Activate authentication and enable Personal Space
• Register network devices for remote access
• Select the file formats allowed for storage (printable format only, common
Office formats, or all). By limiting to printable formats only, such as TIFF, JPEG and PDF,
the risk of viruses that are commonly attached to .exe files is reduced.
To prevent the storage of executable files that may contain viruses and other malicious code,
system administrators can restrict the types of documents that can be saved to only printable
formats, such as PDF, TIFF, and JPEG.
Other Document Security Capabilities
Watermark / Secure Watermark
To discourage the unauthorized copying or sending of confidential information, imageRUNNER
ADVANCE systems support the ability to embed user-defined text within the background of any
print or copy job. When duplicated are made by photocopying, the secure watermark appears.
The optional Secure Watermark feature can be set for all print jobs, or assigned by the user
through the print driver. Users can also define custom or preset watermarks to appear in any
position on copied output.
Encrypted PDF
The Encrypted PDF mode within the optional Scan and Send Security Feature Set enables users
to encrypt, set password and define permissions for PDF files that are sent to an e-mail
address or file server for enhanced security. Only users who enter the correct password can
open, print, or change the received PDF file.
EEnnccrryypptteedd PPDDFF mmooddee ccaann bbee uusseedd oonnllyy iiff aann ee--mmaaiill aaddddrreessss oorr ffiillee sseerrvveerr iiss ssppeecciiffiieedd aass tthhee
innaattiioonn.. IIff aa ffaaxx nnuummbbeerr,, II--ffaaxx aaddddrreessss,, oorr iinnbbooxx iiss ssppeecciiffiieedd aass tthhee ddeessttiinnaattiioonn,, aa uusseerr
ccaannnnoott sseenndd tthhee jjoobb aass aann eennccrryypptteedd PPDDFF ffiillee.. EEnnccrryypptteedd PPDDFF ffiilleess ccaann bbee ssaavveedd uussiinngg 4400bbiitt
RRCC44,, 112288bbiitt RRCC44 oorr tthhee 112288bbiitt AAEESS aallggoorriitthhmmss.. WWhheenn sseennddiinngg wwiitthh EEnnccrryypptteedd PPDDFF 112288bbiitt AAEESS,,
AAccrroobbaatt 77..00 oorr llaatteerr iiss rreeqquui
irreedd ttoo ooppeenn tthhee PPDDFF ffiillee..
Advanced BoxScan and Store Screen Advanced Box Access Stored Files Screen
Section 3 – Information Security