77Sending FaxesChapter 7
Sending Faxes
■ If you hear a highpitched signal instead of a voice:
■ If you hear a voice:
4 Dial the other party’s fax/telephone number.
• For dialling methods, see p. 74.
• If you make a mistake during dialling,
press Hook or hang up the handset and
start again from step 3.
5 Press Start/Copy to begin sending the document.
If you picked up the handset to dial, press Start/Copy and hang up.
5 Pick up the handset and start your conversation.
• If you pressed Hook instead of lifting the handset in step 3, you will hear
the other party’s voice but they will not be able to hear you through the
speaker. Pick up the handset to talk to the other party.
6 When you are ready to send your document, ask the other party to press the
start button on their fax machine.
7 When you hear the highpitched signal of the other party’s fax machine, press
Start/Copy and hang up to begin sending the document.
• If using the handset, be sure to hang up after you press Start/Copy on the FAX,
otherwise the call will be disconnected.
• The FAX will alert you by beeping if the handset is not hung up properly. Make sure
the handset is seated properly in its cradle. If you do not want the FAX to beep, disable
the OFFHOOK ALARM setting ( p. 144).
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